
For students - Sexual Violence Prevention and Response: We are all part of the solution

Started Feb 2, 2021


Full course description

The learning modules support Usask’s sexual violence prevention efforts and the goal of having a living, learning, and working environment free of sexual violence. This training is designed to help you learn more about sexualized violence, consent, bystander intervention, and responding to disclosures of sexual violence.


This 2-hours session is broken into 4 modules plus an introduction and conclusion module. 

  • Module 1: What is sexual violence
  • Module 2: Consent and power in relationships
  • Module 3: Bystander intervention
  • Module 4: Responding to disclosures.

Taking steps to self-educate about sexual violence prevention and response demonstrates your effort to end sexual violence. Remember, we are all part of the solution.

Sign up for this course today!
